
25 Yr. R&D in AI & Machine Learning: Human Sense Making vs. Machine Information Processing: MIT AI-Machine Learning Executive Guide: :
: When a ‘noisier’ panda is still panda for you while AI ‘sees’ it as an ostrich:

If you look at current computer vision systems, most of them basically feed forward; they don’t use feedback connections. There’s something else about current computer vision systems, which is they’re very prone to adversarial errors. You can change a few pixels slightly, and something that was a picture of a panda and still looks exactly like a panda to you, it suddenly says that’s an ostrich. Obviously, the way you change the pixels is cleverly designed to fool it into thinking it’s an ostrich. But the point is, it still looks like a panda to you.

When #Human #SenseMaking trumps #Machine #InformationProcessing:
Journal of #Financial #Transformation (2019): #AI & #MachineLearning #Augmentation for #Cyber #RiskManagement: .

Human Sense Making vs. Machine Information Processing (Inspired by #GeneticAlgorithms pioneer #JohnHolland in 1995, journal publication in 2001): : Top ranked journal paper that aroused interest of world’s top Intel agencies: #NSA and #CIA.

Google's Geoff Hinton was a pioneer in researching the neural networks that now underlie much of artificial intelligence. He persevered when few others agreed.
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