
6 Ways to Grow a Company: New Models, New Offerings, New Features, New Experiences, New Customers, New Processes:

New models. Sell stuff in a new way: Reimagine how to go to market by creating new revenue streams, channels, ways of creating value. e.g. iTunes.

New offerings. Make new stuff to sell: Develop a new product — not just enhancements. Find new needs to solve within existing markets, or invest in a new category. Think iPod and iPhone.

New features. Sell enhanced stuff to same people: Add improvements that drive incremental purchases.

New experiences. Sell more of same stuff to same people: Increase retention and share by powerfully connecting with customers.

New customers. Sell more of the same stuff to new people: Introduce the product to new markets with needs similar to your core, or to markets where it might address a different need.

New processes. Sell same stuff at higher margins: Cut production and delivery costs, automate for efficiencies, cut fat in the supply chain or manufacturing, and utilize robots.

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