30-Years Building #Sustainable #Global #Digital-#AI-#Quant-#Cyber-#Crypto-#Quantum #Sys. . .

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A7028783634299949056

30-Years Building #Sustainable #Global #Digital-#AI-#Quant-#Cyber-#Crypto-#Quantum #Systems: Elsevier SSRN 102+ #Sustainability Top-10 R&D Rankings: Beyond Data Protection to Command and Control (C2) Sustainability: Execution of U.S. Data Protection Act by US Senator for New York: https://lnkd.in/gwmFB6zb :

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Our #ArtificialIntelligence and #KnowledgeManagement #Practices : https://lnkd.in/egrbGbk : followed since 1990s by National Security Agency-Central Intelligence Agency as #SiliconValley-#WallStreet-#Pentagon #Global #Digital #Pioneer : including $Trillion #WallStreet #HedgeFunds: AI-Quantum SME roles for and at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Princeton University, invited interviews for the United States Air Force Top Science Role of United States Air Force Chief Scientist Pentagon advisor to United States Air Force-United States Space Force Chiefs while serving on United States Air Force Pentagon C4I-Cyber CTO-Senior Advisor to DoD Chief Information Officer & inaugural Director of Joint Artificial Intelligence Center #JAIC teams as #ChiefScientist building Air Force Research Laboratory ventures like AIMLExchange.com as MVP for DoD-wide AI-ML enablement with clients #USAF #Secretary-#JAIC #CTO.

KM is obsoleting what you know before others obsolete it and profit by creating the challenges and opportunities others haven’t even thought about” – United States Department of Defense (Comptroller)-Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) following Dr.-Eng.-Prof. Yogesh Malhotra’s Inc. Magazine Technology Interview, 1999: https://lnkd.in/eZme7G2 :

#NewYorkState The Joint Staff Advisory: Beyond ABMS-JADC2 to ABMS2-JADAC2-JADCAC2, 2021:
#C4I-#Cyber #Command & #Control Supremacy: Why It’s More Critical Than #AI-#Quantum #Supremacy & What You Can Do about It? #Security in Post-COVID #Virtual Era Beyond #Data, #Models, #Algorithms: SSRN https://lnkd.in/gNviMFz : YouTube: https://lnkd.in/eR2fJpW .

Today’s effective CIO doesn’t deliver IT. He delivers business transformation services. – Air Force Research Laboratory CIO Col. Tom Hamilton in AFCEA International Keynote following Dr.-Eng.-Prof. Yogesh Malhotra’s #RealTime #Enterprise-#Performance #Pioneering #JoKM Article, 2005: https://lnkd.in/ea5wsgu :

Future of #AI & #Quantum #Information #Science In #Defense & #Space: #Quantum #PhD-#Engineers #Space4Women #Keynote, Germany, 2020: SSRN https://lnkd.in/e7-MXFk5 : YouTube https://lnkd.in/gVqiXXpG :

Global Risk Management Network LLC: Silicon Valley-Wall Street-Pentagon Networks: CNY-Quantum Valley

Silicon Valley’s Next Big Thing™: CEO-CTO-CFO Know-Build-Monetize™ Networks: Join The CxO Metaverse™

C4I-Cyber Quantum Valley-SiliconValley Digital Pioneer USAF-USSF Ventures Engineering Sustainability

Exclusive Trusted Magazine Q&A with Yogesh Malhotra, AWS PartnerHow could you describe your career path in few words?Dr. Yogesh Malhotra 'Yogi' is the Chairman & CEO of the Silicon Valley-Wall Street-Pentagon-Global Digital CEO Practices Pioneer New York Venture Capital & Private Equity Firm Global Risk Management Network, LLC. A Postdoctoral MIT-Princeton Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL) Natural Language Processing (NLP), Cyber, Crypto, Quantum and Risk Co
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